Direct Print and Follow Me Printing

Creation date: 10/12/2023 2:47 PM    Updated: 10/12/2023 2:50 PM   directprint
Are you looking to use ForNAV Direct Print with a Follow-Me print solution? Here are some helpful hints on how to combine the two. However, it can be challenging because the Follow-Me print software typically uses the user ID on the print job to determine where to send it. Unfortunately, with the service-based edition of Direct Print, the user ID used is that of the service account, not the user. Therefore, the Follow-Me print software may not have the correct information to route the print job. 

To solve this problem, we suggest using the client print edition of ForNAV Direct Print. This will allow the print job to be downloaded by the browser and sent to the printer in the context of the logged-in user, ensuring that the correct user ID is used. Please note that this solution is only compatible with Windows-based PCs.